
Showing posts from August, 2021

How to know whether IPL is right for you

Before you start searching for the best IPL at home treatment, it is important to understand a few things. IPL is an effective treatment for skin discoloration and it reduces brown pigmentation, rosacea, sun spots, and unwanted hair. It can restore the skin to a refreshed and healthier appearance. Multiple treatments with this method stimulate the production of collagen – the substance beneath your skin that provides structure and strength – improving your skin texture.  Laser vs IPL  Some people refer to IPL as IPL laser treatment. However, this is misleading as the light produced by IPL is usually a broad-spectrum light and doesn’t involve lasers. It is important to understand that IPL machines typically produce a wide wavelengths spectrum and cannot be focused somewhere to a concentrated beam. Different light wavelengths reach different depths within the skin which makes IPL a great and versatile technology that improves the skin in various ways.  Using IPL for skin re...

Did the salon just cost you a fortune?

The thing about laser hair removal cost is that it is high. When you go to a salon for hair laser removal you are spending a lot of money. The outcome is worth it, as all women will tell you who have had laser hair removal, but many women would prefer a less expensive option. Well, there is a less expensive option and that is to do your own hair removal by laser, using a home hair removal device. You can buy a home laser device that is good quality and will do the same job that a salon would do, except you are doing it on your own. How sore is hair removal by laser? When hair laser removal first became a thing, everybody spoke about the pain. But technology has improved so much and a laser hair removal device removes the hairs quickly and efficiently, and deeply, with hardly any pain at all. In fact, we would not call it pain but we would call it a little tinge! Laser removes hair a lot more successfully than the other methods of hair removal as it can get to the very root of the hair....