How to know whether IPL is right for you

Before you start searching for the best IPL at home treatment, it is important to understand a few things. IPL is an effective treatment for skin discoloration and it reduces brown pigmentation, rosacea, sun spots, and unwanted hair. It can restore the skin to a refreshed and healthier appearance. Multiple treatments with this method stimulate the production of collagen – the substance beneath your skin that provides structure and strength – improving your skin texture. 

Laser vs IPL 

Some people refer to IPL as IPL laser treatment. However, this is misleading as the light produced by IPL is usually a broad-spectrum light and doesn’t involve lasers. It is important to understand that IPL machines typically produce a wide wavelengths spectrum and cannot be focused somewhere to a concentrated beam. Different light wavelengths reach different depths within the skin which makes IPL a great and versatile technology that improves the skin in various ways. 

Using IPL for skin rejuvenation 

You can use IPL to rejuvenate the skin by improving fine blood vessels and pigmentation. Treatment is done by passing a handheld flashgun (medical grade) across the skin of the patient hence delivering powerful and quick flashes of light. The light energy then penetrates below the surface of the skin where melanin lives. This heat then breaks down the pigmentation into small particles, which either rise to the surface of the skin as a crust or are carried away by the lymphatic system of the body. Facial veins are typically sealed when the red hemoglobin pigment inside gets heated. New collagen and skin cells are produced during the healing process. 

IPL treatment for hair reduction 

It is easy to be surprised when you discover that if you have lighter skin and thicker and darker hair, your IPL will work better for hair reduction. This is because the brown melanin pigment in your growing cells at the base of your hair follicle gets absorbed by IPL light energy. 

The light energy burns or heats these cells hence stunting their growth. If you have darker hair, it will absorb more light. This means it gets heated and damaged easily. On the other hand, white or red hair do not have melanin so they won’t absorb light and this means they will not be removed by IPL treatment. During the treatment, only the growing cells of hair are damaged. This means that dormant follicles are not affected. Several treatments are therefore needed for hair follicle treatment as they enter their growth phase. 

How often do you need to be treated? 

Since brown pigment responds to the treatment quickly, you will need within one to three treatments. Facial veins and diffuse redness lie deeper in the skin. They may require about three to six treatments. You will need longer courses if rosacea is the cause of your facial redness. This is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the skin. If you are using the best IPL at home for hair reduction, you will require about four to eight treatments.

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