How to know whether IPL is right for you
Before you start searching for the best IPL at home treatment, it is important to understand a few things. IPL is an effective treatment for skin discoloration and it reduces brown pigmentation, rosacea, sun spots, and unwanted hair. It can restore the skin to a refreshed and healthier appearance. Multiple treatments with this method stimulate the production of collagen – the substance beneath your skin that provides structure and strength – improving your skin texture. Laser vs IPL Some people refer to IPL as IPL laser treatment. However, this is misleading as the light produced by IPL is usually a broad-spectrum light and doesn’t involve lasers. It is important to understand that IPL machines typically produce a wide wavelengths spectrum and cannot be focused somewhere to a concentrated beam. Different light wavelengths reach different depths within the skin which makes IPL a great and versatile technology that improves the skin in various ways. Using IPL for skin re...